Peter Carpenter down at Crestmead

On sunday 6th March I flew the HPRW colours at Crestmead and raced in the Masters B race. Unfortunately on the last lap, 2nd last corner – I was pushed from the inside by another rider and brought down (doing about 50km/hr). I slid along the road for 10 metres before hitting the gutter and then a tree. I was taken to Logan hospital in an ambulance and spent all day there. I had X-rays of my Left shoulder, right forearm, right femur and right tibia/fibula. My leg is about 70% the size of my other leg and pretty bloody sore. Lots of grazes but otherwise OK. Then today 9/3/11 I saw the doctor – I will need surgery on my R knee (fractured head of tibia and torn medial ligament) as well as my L shoulder failed to dislocate and ended up having some ripped tendons which require reattachment. This will occur Friday 18th March. I am about to see the value of CA insurance
Update from Peter (March 16):
I have now had complications and have contracted a large Blood Clot in my leg. This has now put the Surgeries off for at least 4-6 weeks whilst the medication takes hold to hopefully break down the clot. They think it will take about 6 weeks for clot to break down (hopefully no longer)
The Orthopaedic Surgeon is hopeful that some of the ligament damage can repair over this time but the Tibial Fracture and Shoulder damage will probably still require Surgery after the clot has broken down.
A lot of down time laying quietly and taking it easy...and worst of all I can't even come down to watch a race.