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quite well, albeit slowly and he's three weeks into the treatment. Here's a couple of fetching shots Ron sent.
A word of warning - don't scroll down if you don't want an eyeful of Ron's butt!!! :)
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6:15am from the UQ Aquatic Centre at St Lucia and there is a free breakfast and you can ride
with Phil Anderson to Dayboro.
Here's a message from Mick about the the Challenge:
From the 5th -12th September 2009, myself and 49 other cyclists and support crew
will tackle a gruelling 1600 kilometre cycle through Queensland in only eight days.
It's our way to raise funds for cancer research and remember our mate Adam Smiddy
who lost his life to melanoma.
More than 100,000 Australians are diagnosed with cancer each year and too many
good lives are lost to this devastating disease. Sadly, my father lost his battle with
Melanoma on the 17th of June this year. This has further strengthened my passion
to make a difference. I invite you to join with me in the fight against cancer. This year
I have set myself a personal target of raising $10,000.00 and seek your support in
reaching this total. All donations go directly towards world-class research which will
one day save lives.
If you have a spare moment, please take a look at our web site www.smiddy.org.au
where you can learn more about the 2009 Bottlemart Smiling for Smiddy Challenge.
See also a short video featuring footage of last years ride with commentary from
Olympic Gold Medallist Duncan Armstrong, a fellow Smiddy Challenge rider.
I welcome you all to join us at the UQ Aquatic Centre for a free breakfast (from
5.00am) prior to the "Grand Depart" (6.15am) and then riding with us to Dayboro.
It's not every day that you get to ride with a cycling legend (apart from me) and Sat
the 5th is no exception as the first Aussie to win the yellow jersey, Phil Anderson, will
be joining us for the first 4 days of the ride.
In anticipation of some huge donations from you all, (which can be made at
http://www.everydayhero.com.au/mick_young ) I thank you.
Should you have any queries or comments, please contact me.
Mick Young
Cycling 1600kms in 8 days for a cause - that's hard.
Donating funds for cancer research - that's easy!
Visit www.smiddy.org.au to read about the
Bottlemart 2009 Smiling for Smiddy Challenge.
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URGENT - Commissaires and Coaching Courses
We have a desperate shortage of qualified Level 1 and Level 2 Commissaires which could affect our ability to conduct racing. Please consider undertaking the level 1 CQ commissaire's workshop on Saturday 22nd August - the club will cover all costs.
Full details on on the flyer.
Similarly the club will fully fund anyone who wished to undertake a CQ coaching course.
Please contact Wayne Wilson if you wish to become qualified as a coach or commissaire.
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Saturday morning he was riding in a bunch of 10~11 riders. A motorist bore down on the last rider (a police officer of all things) being aggressive, yelling abuse, using his horn and basically menacing the riders. after a period, he accelerates to the front of the line where Eric was leading out the group and basically runs Eric off the road striking him with his car.
Eric has sustained some serious injuries including broken bones, head trauma and naturally abrasions. he is still in hospital in Gladstone, but hoping to be able to come home to Brisbane by the weekend. The driver has been arrested and the car impounded.
If you want to send a message to Eric via the website click this link. Get well soon mate!
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Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Mark Fulloon and Nikolina Orlic who are both off the bike for a while after nasty accidents.
Mark's story:"Just a quick message to let you know that last Wednesday, I was struck down by a car failing to give way. As a result, I have a very badly injured right hand -going in for surgery tomorrow (Wednesday) - and one destroyed Pinarello. Therefore, I will not be able to be at the ANZAC25, nor the state titles. Will be out for about 3months until full recovery. "
Nikolina had a nasty crash while competing in the Mersey Valley Tour in Tasmania after wheels clipped during a fast descent. Luckily she sustained no broken bones but has lots of cuts, bruises, torn muscles, whip lash and minor nerve damage.
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CQ are running a Level 1 Commissaires Workshop on Sat April 4th. We need more club commissaires to continue to be eligible to conduct racing so please consider attending this course.
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Two weeks ago Goldstars announced that all entry and prize money from the 14th Feb race at Pimpana would be donated to the Victorian Bushfire Appeal. HPRW was the first club to accept the challenge and organised to do the same at our Lakeside race. Unfortunately this race was washed out, but the Appeal was carried over to Nundah to the 21st Feb.
Last Saturday at Nundah we manageed to raise $1432.40. Many riders also donated more than the $10 entry fee. Thanks to all HPRW and visitors for your generosity.
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Best wishes and a speedy recovery to all riders injured in the last two weeks racing at Nundah. Garry Lee is still in the RBH with 9 cracked ribs, fluid on the lungs and bruised spleen so he will be there for a few more days at least.